Bang Chan, Bangkok

Scope and content :

The series consists of draft of papers, reports, articles, books letters, and photograph 84 records. It is a of the study of the social history of a rural community in Bang Chan in 1948. The records pertained the study of the relationship of human and rice in farmer community, the cosmic view of Bang Chan villagers, changes in family life, Bang Chan and Bangkok perspectives on local and national history, including with variety of documents by another researchers that Hanks used as a references.

Repository : SAC

Extent and medium : 84 records that consist of draft of papers, reports, articles, books, letters, and photographs.

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer : Donated by Jane Richardson Hanks, 2007.

System of arrangemant : The series base on the field site in Thailand

Condition governing accessible and reproduce : Some restrictions on access. Some materials are published. To respect in intellectual property right, the original material (hard copy) may not allowed to access.

Creative Commons License : Attribution (CC BY)

Traditional Knowledge License : Traditional Knowledge Attribution (TK A)

Language : English/Thai

Script : English/Thai

Rule or convention : Collection, series and file level description based on ISAD(G)

61. Reference : H-1-4-23

Indifference to Modern Education in Thai community

| 1959 – Published in Human Organization, vol.17, no.2, this article looks at education in the Bang Chan community, educational traditions, educational sequences in Bang Chan, contemporary responses and educational policy, and the source of indifference | Typescript

Indifference to Modern Education in Thai community

62. Reference : H-1-4-24

American Aid is Damaging Thai Society

| 1968 – In the 1960s US troops were based in Thailand while fighting against guerrillas in North Vietnam. In return, the USA offered Thailand military and economic assistance, but this threatened the Thai social balance. | Typescript

American Aid is Damaging Thai Society

63. Reference : H-1-4-26

Five Generalizations on the Structure of Foreign Contact

| An article by Lucien Hanks from the proceedings of the 1957 annual spring meeting of the American Ethnological Society. Looking at two periods in Thai history (the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries), Hanks makes five generalizations about the structure of foreign contact. Such contact was conducted on both a trade and a military basis, and the interaction between two societies was based on exchange. Whenever the purpose of exchange moves beyond that of institutional paraphernalia, new forms of contact will occur. | Typescript

Five Generalizations on the Structure of Foreign Contact

64. Reference : H-1-4-27

The Kraton of Surakarta Hadiningrat

| 1974 – The imperium of Mojopahit is well known in Indonesian history. When its successors moved from eastern Java to central Java the Plered was designated the capital city, before the capital was relocated to Kartasura and finally to Surakarta Hadiningrat. This book collects interesting information about Surakarta Hadiningrat. | Book

The Kraton of Surakarta Hadiningrat

65. Reference : H-1-4-30

Merit and Power in Thai Social Order

| 1962 – Hanks demonstrates how people move within fixed settings in the social hierarchy. According to Buddhist belief, the position of every living being in the hierarchy is dependent on their relative amounts of “merit” (bun) and “sin” (baap). Power may arise from experience or special knowledge, or alternatively may derive from amulets, and may belong to anyone, while effectiveness, by contrast, derives only from merit. | Typescript

Merit and Power in Thai Social Order

66. Reference : H-1-4-33

Physically Handicapped in Certain Non-Occidental Societies

| 1948 – Protection of the physically handicapped and social participation for them is increased in societies where: 1) the level of productivity is higher in proportion to the population and its distribution more nearly equal, 2) competitive factors in individual or group achievement are minimized, 3) the criteria of achievement are less formally absolute as in hierarchical social structures and more weighted with concern for individual capacity, as in democratic social structures. | Typescript

Physically Handicapped in Certain Non-Occidental Societies

67. Reference : H-1-4-34

Travelers among people : in memoriam Phya Anuman Rajadhon

| 1970 – An article by Lucien Hanks reprinted from “In Memoriam Phya Anuman Rajadhon”, published by the Siam Society, Bangkok, looking at the life of Phya Anuman Rajadhon when he lived in the United States, where he was forced to confront not only different peoples and cultures, but also his own loneliness. | Typescript

Travelers among people : in memoriam Phya Anuman Rajadhon

68. Reference : H-1-4-35

Reviews : C. Archaimbault : La course de Pirogues au Loas

| 1973 - “La Course de Pirogues au Laos: un Complexe Cultural” by Charles Archaimbault, reprinted from the Journal of the Siam Society, July 1973, vol. 61. Archaimbault looks at boat races along the Mekong River in Laos. | Typescript

Reviews : C. Archaimbault : La course de Pirogues au Loas

69. Reference : H-1-4-36

Symposium : Societal organization in SEAsia Prior to 18 th century : foreword

| 1984 – The foreword to the Symposium on Societal Organization in Mainland Southeast Asia Prior to the Eighteenth Century by Lucien Hanks, published in the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, vol.15 no.2, September 1984. | Typescript

Symposium : Societal organization in SEAsia Prior to 18 th century : foreword

70. Reference : H-1-4-37

Diphtheria immunization in a Thai community

| 1955 – The studying of a threatened epidemic fails to alarm parents in Bang Chan; community response to a call for immunization; Bang Chan fights the threat of contagious disease; the community of Bang Chan and its attitudes; factors influencing the effectiveness of communication. | Typescript

Diphtheria immunization in a Thai community