Year 1958-1961

Scope and content :

1958-1961. The first field work trip of Moerman in Thailand. He spent almost 3 years to collected field data about the Lue society, tradition, culture, and daily life of Tai Lue community at Ban Phaed, Payao province. 3295 records of slide, photograph, punch card, letter, notebook, typescript, and map.

Repository : SAC

Extent and medium : 3295 records of slide, photograph, punch card, letter, notebook, typescript, and map.

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer : Donated by Michael Moerman, 2005.

System of arrangemant : The series is divided base on the periods of field work in Thailand.

Condition governing accessible and reproduce : Some restriction on access. To respect in intellectual property right, the original material (hard copy) may not allowed to access. Please contact staff if you need more information.

Creative Commons License : Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)

Traditional Knowledge License : Traditional Knowledge Attribution Non-Commercial (TK A-NC)

Language : English/Thai

Script : English/Thai

Rule or convention : Collection, series and file level description based on ISAD(G)

2701. Reference : MM-1-21-255

Reflections on court procedure.

| December 13. One of the duties of an attorney is to fill information in the form (action about the trial - the translator). | Punch card

Reflections on court procedure.

2702. Reference : MM-1-21-256

Clerks of the court.

| Mid-May. To have a good rapport with the court staff is necessary. These are the groups responsible for the documentation that was related to lawsuits. The information from those documents would be useful for planning the court trial. Additionally, some court employees also serve as a middleman in the graft instead of a judge as well. | Punch card

Clerks of the court.

2703. Reference : MM-1-21-257

Appeal procedure.

| December 30, 1968. The duration of an application for a court order. In such instances as criminal cases it takes about 15 days to file claims before the matter goes to the appeal court, and it takes about 30 days before the matter goes to the Supreme Court. | Punch card

Appeal procedure.

2704. Reference : MM-1-21-258

Working procedures of court.

| Dec 30, ?. Prawin kept the content of a summary sentence on the ground floor of the court. It was accessible to those who had an interest. | Punch card

Working procedures of court.

2705. Reference : MM-1-21-259

Rapid sentencing of 13 December.

| December 13, ?. Moerman observed a trial involving a case between a plaintiff and the defendant, and the steps taken to the end of the trial. He observed as well the reaction of the defendant after hearing the results. | Punch card

Rapid sentencing of 13 December.

2706. Reference : MM-1-21-260

Repid sentencing of defendants pleading cuilty.

| December 6, 1968. Moerrnan observed the trial. On Friday afternoon all trials were conducted quickly because the police had the power to detain suspects without jurisdiction for only a limited time. They brought forward all the suspects to proceed with the trial before the time limit for custody elapsed. | Punch card

Repid sentencing of defendants pleading cuilty.

2707. Reference : MM-1-21-261

Compromises out court.

| January 28, 1969. Sompol was a plaintiff in a suit filed for a civil case relating to land; however, there was a compromise agreed upon. The case had no need for the attention of the court. | Punch card

Compromises out court.

2708. Reference : MM-1-21-262

Court feed.

| January 10, 1969. Moerman noted details on fees such as a court filing fee of 10 baht, jurisdictions for 25 baht, and attorneys appointed for 10 baht. | Punch card

Court feed.

2709. Reference : MM-1-21-263

Initial pleading and applications to continue arrest while under investigation.

| February 17, 1969. Moerman observed a trial where Winit benched for a practicum judge. His sentence reduced the imprisonment for three minors (under the age of 20 years) who had offended. And he reduced the penalty for another defendant who had no history of prior offenses. | Punch card

Initial pleading and applications to continue arrest while under investigation.

2710. Reference : MM-1-21-264

Interview with Thanin.

| February 5 and 7, 1969. Moerman interviewed Tanin on several topics such as 1) the jury system at the trial was not quite effective. This was due to the belief of Thai people that the power to judge stayed with the king of Thailand. Moreover, Thai society was full of corruption and reliant on a system of personal rapport. If the jury knew the accused, the lawsuit may have been settled lawsuit siding with the offender. 2) It might be necessary to conduct training for the judge’s assistant on how to gain the truth from a testimony. 3) The brief was cut off so that the police would more easily understand. | Punch card

Interview with Thanin.