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411. Reference : RS-2-1-2-050

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 SWQ 4 L 8 195 Cm.Dt. NWQ 3 L 4 185 Cm.Dt. | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

412. Reference : RS-2-1-2-051

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 SWQ 4 L 8 195 Cm.Dt. NWQ 3 L 4 185 Cm.Dt. | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

413. Reference : RS-2-1-2-052

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 SWQ 4 L 8 , NEQ 3 L 4 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

414. Reference : RS-2-1-2-053

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 L 5 ,tiles | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

415. Reference : RS-2-1-2-054

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 3 dated 28 March 1999 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

416. Reference : RS-2-1-2-055

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, AreaSQ 2 NEQ 4 L 6 , NEQ 3 L 4 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

417. Reference : RS-2-1-2-056

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 NEQ 4 L 6 , NEQ 3 L 4 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

418. Reference : RS-2-1-2-057

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Morning activity on 28 March 1999 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

419. Reference : RS-2-1-2-058

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 2 NEQ 4 L 4 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

420. Reference : RS-2-1-2-059

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999

| 1999 | Archaeological excavation at AY'99 Phaniat, Area SQ 3 Secion 1 L 6 | Slide

Phaniat, Ayutthaya 1999