Upland people in Northern Thailand

Scope and content :

Upland people, Northern Thailand. 35 records. The series consists of draft of papers, reports, articles, and books recorded during their fieldwork about the upland people in Northern Thailand in 1963. The records pertained report of the Benington-Cornell survey of a hill region in Thailand, upland villagers from the valley of the Mea Kok to the Burma border, report of a field trip to north of Thailand, upland and lowland village relations in northern Thailand , the problems of ethnicity in a district of northern Thailand. Including with other materials that related to hill-tribes people study in Thailand.

Repository : SAC

Extent and medium : 35 records that consists of draft of papers, reports, articles, and books

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer : Donated by Jane Richardson Hanks, 2007.

System of arrangemant : The series base on the field site.

Condition governing accessible and reproduce : Some restrictions on access. Some materials are published. To respect in intellectual property right, the original material (hard copy) may not allowed to access.

Creative Commons License : Attribution (CC BY)

Traditional Knowledge License : Traditional Knowledge Attribution (TK A)

Language : English/Thai

Script : English/Thai

Rule or convention : Collection, series and file level description based on ISAD(G)

21. Reference : H-1-4-15

Setting the Lisu

| 1987 – Originating from China, the Lisu migrate with their agriculture. Hounded out of their original homeland like horses from a burning building, they still bear the residue of their fright. The Thai government has hoped that settling these people will make the nation’s borders safer from communist subversion, and from deforestation caused by shifting cultivation and the cultivation of narcotics. | Typescript

Setting the Lisu

22. Reference : H-1-4-16

Context of Opium Production in Chiangrai Province

| 1978 – A paper presented to the Conference on Opium Production, Trade and Use in the Golden Triangle, April 3-7, 1978, reporting on the context of opium production north of the Mae Kok Valley, Chiang Rai Province. | Typescript

Context of Opium Production in Chiangrai Province

23. Reference : H-1-4-17

Our great Narcotics Chase

| 1975 – The US declared war on heroin by setting aside money to pay other governments for banning opium cultivation. Shan rebels in Myanmar are the principle narcotic traders in the Southeast Asian region. | Typescript

Our great Narcotics Chase

24. Reference : H-1-4-18

Banditry in a SE Asian Setting

| 1975 | Typescript

Banditry in a SE Asian Setting

25. Reference : H-1-4-19

Deposition to House of Representative Subcommittee: narcotics control

| 18 April 1975 – The Shan States of Burma are no longer under control of the government in Rangoon. These group deal in opium and arms in order to support themselves. A sizable transfer of US funds cannot occur without international repercussions. The proposed purchase will neither eradicate nor control Shan opium. | Typescript

Deposition to House of Representative Subcommittee: narcotics control

26. Reference : H-1-4-28

Mongol Dwellings (Inner Mongolia) (Altaic Civilization)

| Mongol buildings and decorations. The Altaic civilization. | Book

Mongol Dwellings (Inner Mongolia) (Altaic Civilization)

27. Reference : H-1-4-29

Mongol Costume : Historical and Recent (Altaic Civilization)

| A study of Mongol clothing, past and present. The Altaic civilization. | Book

Mongol Costume : Historical and Recent (Altaic Civilization)

28. Reference : H-1-4-31

Yuan or Northern Thai

| 1983 – The Yuan or Northern Thai regard themselves as Thai, but Thai with a difference that distinguishes them from the people of other parts of Thailand and from the Shan, Lue and Laotians. | Typescript

Yuan or Northern Thai

29. Reference : H-1-4-32

Gazetteer for 1962, ’69, ’74 – Ethnic Settlements, Chiengrai Province

| Information on three maps of ethnic settlements in Chiang Rai Province north of the Mae Kok river, dated 1964, 1969 and 1974. | Book

Gazetteer for 1962, ’69, ’74 – Ethnic Settlements, Chiengrai Province

30. Reference : H-1-4-40

Rite and Cosmos : an Akha Diary

| 1968 – A diary describing the experience of Jane Hanks meeting Akha upland people for the first time in Chiang Rai Province in the years 1963-1964. She found that much of the old cultural life was still functioning. Since then much has changed, due to the impact of the lowland Thai and their government, environmental changes, and the modern social and political world, both Asiatic and Western. | Typescript

Rite and Cosmos : an Akha Diary