Year 1979-1981
Scope and content :
1979-1981. The fourth field work trip of Moerman in Thailand. He revisited and collected field data at Ban Phaed, Payao province. There are 133 records of slide photograph punch card, letter and typscript.
Repository : SAC
Extent and medium : slide, punch card, letter, and typescript.
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer : Donated by Michael Moerman, 2005.
System of arrangemant : The series is divided base on the periods of field work in Thailand.
Condition governing accessible and reproduce : Some restriction on access. To respect in the subject of issue, the original material (hard copy) may not allowed to access. Please contact staff if you need more information.
Creative Commons License : Attribution (CC BY)
Traditional Knowledge License : Traditional Knowledge Attribution (TK A)
Language : English/Thai
Script : English/Thai
Rule or convention : Collection, series and file level description based on ISAD(G)