Personal Collection

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941. Reference : MM-1-110-9

| Statistical information about the population, price of paddy rice, number of plants and price of crops. | Punch card

942. Reference : MM-1-110-1

| Price of paddy rice in the district of Phayao from 2502-2504 B.E. | Punch card

943. Reference : MM-1-110-10

| High and low prices for rice and glutinous rice from 2498 to 2499 B.E. | Punch card

944. Reference : MM-1-110-11

| Details of the farming in Yuan sub-district, including rice plantation area, damaged area, harvested area and yield. | Punch card

945. Reference : MM-1-110-17

| List of rice varieties, including types (rice, glutinous rice), harvest time, yield, size of rice, tilling and soil type, height, water quantity for planting, disease resistance, quality of grain, cooking quality, and characteristics of each variety. | Typescript

946. Reference : MM-1-109-29

| September 1, 1960 A letter from Moerman to Commander Duan Bunnag. Moerman provided an introduction and requested information about the environment of Chiang Kham before the arrival of Moerman. | Letter

947. Reference : MM-1-109-42

| January 25, 1961 A letter from Moerman to Duan Bunnag to request information about the meteorology of Chiang Kham. | Letter

948. Reference : MM-1-109-27

| August 24, 1960 A letter from Moerman to Governor of Chiang Rai, requesting assistance with statistical data from the Chiang Kham district, for use in his research. The authorities both in the past and present had already gathered the existing data. | Letter

949. Reference : MM-1-109-59

| January 16, 1962 A letter from Moerman to Dr. Sala Dasananda, requesting information about price of rice in Phayao District for his research, both the highest and lowest prices for the years 2500 to 2504 B.E, and compared with the prices in Chiang Kham district and Bangkok. | Letter

950. Reference : MM-1-112-2

| Population breakdown by age group. | Punch card