881. Reference : MM-1-112-11
| Information about sexual behavior and contraceptive methods such as pills and sterilization. | Punch card
Total : 34,847 item
881. Reference : MM-1-112-11
| Information about sexual behavior and contraceptive methods such as pills and sterilization. | Punch card
882. Reference : MM-1-119-11
| Kham was angry and in a dispute with a Chinese Ho, and the village headman arrived to settle the conflict. | Punch card
883. Reference : MM-1-16-1
| Dedication and merit for the dead through giving offerings or building a pavilion for temple. Preparation for the religious ceremony and ritual. Games and played in the ceremony. Worship of an image of Buddha named Pra Auppa Kut. | Punch card
884. Reference : MM-1-16-2
| Preparing for an ordination ceremony in Chiangban village. People from Ban Phead village were also in attendance and supported the ceremony. | Punch card
885. Reference : MM-1-16-3
| Buddhist chanting at the temple for a blessing ceremony, for the happiness of the inhabitants of the village and to prevent illness. Preparations for the ritual and the process of the ceremony. | Punch card
886. Reference : MM-1-16-4
| A fair at the Yuan temple, including preparations for the fair and entertainment. People from many villages visited the fair and made merit. | Punch card
887. Reference : MM-1-16-5
| Students playing Thai musical instruments such as the gong, drum, small cymbals, and cymbals. | Punch card
888. Reference : MM-1-16-6
| Merit making and dedication for the deceased in Wan village. Details of the ritual preparations and activities for the large event. | Punch card
889. Reference : MM-1-16-7
| All ceremonies for Buddhist holy days in Ban Phead village, both for the priest and laymen. | Punch card
890. Reference : MM-1-16-8
| The process of ceremonies in Buddhist holy day. Costume of people who join ceremony. | Punch card