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771. Reference : MM-1-11-19

Children treatment.

| Taking care of children when they play. Fooling a child to give the medicine. How to distract children when they are bad-tempered. | Punch card

772. Reference : MM-1-11-20

Food for an infant

| Food for an infant is milk from a mother only for the first month. After that they may given some soft rice. Before reaching a year of age, they may be fed only milk, rice, salt, banana, and potatoes, but no meat or fish. They may eat whatever they fancy when they are over one year. The places to sleep for children at different ages. | Punch card

773. Reference : MM-1-11-21


| A man who dresses in women’s clothing is a salesperson. He wants the villagers to address him in female terms such as Mae Thaw. | Punch card

774. Reference : MM-1-11-22


| Sexual positions. The villager's attitudes towards intercourse, the body of men and women, and prostitution. | Punch card

775. Reference : MM-1-11-23

Sex & reproduction.

| The contraceptive methods of the villagers are medical (both ingested and by injection). Use of a condom is not popular, but local herbs are used. Abortion is done through injection or by taking purgatives. | Punch card

776. Reference : MM-1-11-24

Sex & reproduction.

| The female menarche occurs at 16 to 18 years old. And menopause is common at 40 to 50 years. Menstrual taboos, diseases affecting fertility, desire number of offspring and contraception. | Punch card

777. Reference : MM-1-11-25

Sex & reproduction.

| When a couple has no children, it can be because the man or woman is sterile. One cannot tell which one, unless one of them remarries. | Punch card

778. Reference : MM-1-11-26


| Men and women wear regular cloth in the cold season while sleeping. But in summer, men sleep in an undershirt and trousers and women wear a sin with hoj (a kind of undershirt for women), or with nothing on the upper part of their body. | Punch card

779. Reference : MM-1-11-15


| Nursing suckling, taking a bath, a soluton when a mother has no milk. | Punch card

780. Reference : MM-1-11-27


| Morning sickness of a woman who is pregnant, symptoms of pregnancy. Signs to show the time of delivery is near. | Punch card