31. Reference : AG-1-1/1-33
Research at Ban Sanpong,Sanpathong,Chiengmai
| 1980-1981 Farmers binding together stalks of rice using thin bamboo strips. | Slide
Total : 34,847 item
31. Reference : AG-1-1/1-33
| 1980-1981 Farmers binding together stalks of rice using thin bamboo strips. | Slide
32. Reference : AG-1-1/1-34
| 1980-1981 Farmers take a break from harvesting to have lunch in a field. | Slide
33. Reference : AG-1-1/1-35
| 1980-1981 Farmers take a break from harvesting to have lunch in a field. | Slide
34. Reference : AG-1-1/1-36
| 1980-1981 Following lunch, farmers usually take a break or even have a nap, before resuming work at around 3pm. | Slide
35. Reference : AG-1-1/1-37
| 1980-1981 Farmers having lunch in the field. The field owner provides lunch for the laborers, normally laap (a northern Thai meat salad), gourd curry with chicken and chili sauce. The woman in the white blouse, the field owner’s wife, has done the cooking on this occasion. | Slide
36. Reference : AG-1-1/1-38
| 1980-1981 In-season rice is threshed on a bamboo litter. The farmers use dung to fill in any cracks in the litter to ensure that the rice does not fall through. | Slide
37. Reference : AG-1-1/1-39
| 1980-1981 Threshing in-season rice. | Slide
38. Reference : AG-1-1/1-40
| 1980-1981 Rice threshing. The stalks are tied together with two pieces of stick and then bound with rope. | Slide
39. Reference : AG-1-1/1-41
| 1980-1981 Rice threshing. | Slide
40. Reference : AG-1-1/1-42
| 1980-1981 After the rice has been threshed, the farmer uses a fan to blow away the chaff. | Slide