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1481. Reference : MM-1-21-39


| Moerman refers to Perelman (1968) on arguments in speeches or statements. There are many factors involved in defining the meaning of the statement among the audience. | Punch card

1482. Reference : MM-1-21-40


| Morgan quotes Perelman (1968): "The principal role of philosophy, as opposed to science, is not a search for truth, but justifications for our actions”. | Punch card

1483. Reference : MM-1-21-41


| Moerman refers to Perelman's work (1958), in which the latter notes that arguments in family and daily life are understood clearly, whereas those presented in sermons or in the judicial process are by nature not decisive. The losing party can request the case to be investigated by requiring further evidence of the lawsuit. | Punch card

1484. Reference : MM-1-21-42


| Moerman refers to Perelman's work (1958) on the meaning of discussions among auditors, noting that the auditors' existing knowledge and experience already determine what they listen to in the argument. | Punch card

1485. Reference : MM-1-21-43


| Moerman refers to Perelman's work (1958) on the understanding of the word ‘meaning’. When looking at words used in an argument, simply noting that words are synonymous is not enough; one has to also consider the context of those words, as the context is crucial in determining the meaning. | Punch card

1486. Reference : MM-1-21-44


| Moerman refers to Perelman's work (1952) on Aristotle and stylistic analysis. | Punch card

1487. Reference : MM-1-21-45


| Moerman refers to Black's work (1965) on economics and social issues, in which he notes an overlap between ‘primitive law’ and ‘civilized law’. | Punch card

1488. Reference : MM-1-21-46

Karl Llewellyn and Black

| Moerman looks at the work of the US lawyer Llewellyn (1960: 513), who argues that law and politics do not differ in the context of anthropology. Moerman then refers to Black's work (1965: x) on caveat venditor. | Punch card

1489. Reference : MM-1-21-47

Max Gluckman

| Moerman refers to Gluckman's work (1965) based on Marc Bloch’s ‘Feudal Society’ (1961), which looks at the expansion of European territory in the early 12th century. | Punch card

1490. Reference : MM-1-21-48


| Moerman refers to the psychiatrist Ruesch's work (1961) on the issue of communication, before summing up three outstanding points that result from communication: understanding, knowledge and agreement. | Punch card