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1401. Reference : MM-1-42-26/2

Information on Method of Kan Tajsuan Khadii

| Information on methods of inquiry by the Office of the Public Prosecutor, Sala Radthaban Monthon Phak Phayab. | Typescript

1402. Reference : MM-1-42-26/3

Problem of The National Research Council

| Problems faced by the National Research Council: lowering the penalty in cases where the accused has confessed to the court and provided useful information | Typescript

1403. Reference : MM-1-42-26/6

How to arrest people who escape

| Command from Monthon Phayab to the Penitentiary Department on the arrest of escaped prisoners. | Typescript

1404. Reference : MM-1-42-26/4

Command to have people under protection of The Japanese Obey Opium Act B.E. 2464

| To have people under protection of the Japanese obey the Opium Act 1922. | Typescript

1405. Reference : MM-1-42-26/5

Lamphun Sugar Factory Case

| A case involving a Lamphun sugar factory, 22 November 1968 | Typescript

1406. Reference : MM-1-42-26/7

Information on the method of inquiry

| Information on the method of inquiry by the Office of the Public Prosecutor, Sala Radthaban Monthon Phak Phayab. | Typescript

1407. Reference : MM-1-42-26/8

Additional comandment concerning priests who commit crimes and have no bailing permission during investigation

| Additional commandment concerning priests who are accused of criminal offences and who are not permitted bail during the investigation. | Typescript

1408. Reference : MM-1-42-27

Conversation among a jailer and the prisoner

| Conversation between a jailer and a prisoner ending his term in prison on 12 June 1969. The dimensions of a prison cell. | Typescript

1409. Reference : MM-1-42-28

type of case

| Type of case and list of accused in each case. | Typescript

1410. Reference : MM-1-42-29

police investigation of shooting at Saraphi

| Police investigation into a shooting in Sarapee District. | Typescript