Personal Collection

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1251. Reference : MM-1-109-77

| September 25, 2507 B.E. A letter from Khamping to Moerman, expressing gratitude to Moerman for sending a watch to him. In Ban Phaed there were 135 households, and the construction of the temple already finished. | Letter

1252. Reference : MM-1-109-78

| October 15, 2507 B.E. A letter from Nan Tong to Moerman, expressing gratitude to Moerman for sending a pen set, and relating that he had left the monkhood and was staying at his parents' house. | Letter

1253. Reference : MM-1-109-79

| October 15, 2507 B. E. Letter from [unidentifiable person] to Moerman, thinking of Moerman, and relating that he had left the monkhood to help with farming. | Letter

1254. Reference : MM-1-109-80

| October 21, 2507 B.E. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Daeng to Moerman, acknowledging receipt of the gifts from Moerman and distributing them to all to the persons notified. They also sent a cloth bag to Deborah. | Letter

1255. Reference : MM-1-109-82

| September 5, 2508 B.E. A letter from Kanung Wongyai to Moerman, setting an appointment with Moerman in Bangkok. | Letter

1256. Reference : MM-1-109-83

| no date A letter from Tawee to Moerman, expressing regret over the death of Dr. Bud, and that USIS would publish a commemorative book for the funeral. He requested Moerman to send his children pictures. | Letter

1257. Reference : MM-1-122-2

Tai Lue and Shan.

| A letter from Boonchuay to Moerman about various ethnic groups in the north of Thailand, including a map illustrating the location of the Tai Lue and Shan. | Punch card

1258. Reference : MM-1-122-5

| Classification of Tai Lue in Chiang Kham. There were two groups and each had a unique culture. | Punch card

1259. Reference : MM-1-110-3

| A map of the village households and their codes and transportation in the village. | Map

1260. Reference : MM-1-125-1

| History of the city settlement, government, the ruler and changes of the government. | Punch card