Personal Collection

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1171. Reference : MM-1-12-35

Seng ideas about future investment.

| Planning for investment of land in order to expand cultivation. Sale of products for profit - to utilize for the payment of debt and construction of a new house. | Punch card

1172. Reference : MM-1-12-36

Planning of expenditure.

| Planning for expenditures by choosing economical products and purchasing in the low price seasons. | Punch card

1173. Reference : MM-1-12-37


| Villagers decision to use a tractor for plowing. The headman disagreed with the purchase because he felt they would never agree whose fields would be plowed first. Troubles in using a machine. | Punch card

1174. Reference : MM-1-12-38

rice trading

| Trade of rice for profit and sale of land to gain more profit. | Punch card

1175. Reference : MM-1-12-39

Economic idea.

| In the cities, people gain monthly salary and had to purchase all supplies; while villagers had to sell rice to earn some profit and have low expenses. | Punch card

1176. Reference : MM-1-12-40

Economic decisions.

| Trade of land by villagers to obtain better quality land and profit from the sale. | Punch card

1177. Reference : MM-1-12-41

Economic idea.

| The villagers remark on the fact that scarcity is higher in Thailand than the USA. Planning for land investment, purchase of rice and construction of a rice mill. | Punch card

1178. Reference : MM-1-12-42

Economic idea.

| The villagers choose to plant peanuts instead of rice, when rice yield is not favourable. | Punch card

1179. Reference : MM-1-12-43

Economic idea.

| Villagers had to rent fields. Renters don't care for the fields as well as the land owners do. | Punch card

1180. Reference : MM-1-12-44

Economic idea and decisions.

| Villagers plant glutinous rice because it yields higher production and has a higher profit margin than rice does, the transportation route effects the sale of rice. | Punch card