Personal Collection

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1131. Reference : MM-1-11-86

Thamacaj R? on funeral customs

| Moerman asked Thammachai about the custom of a funeral. | Punch card

1132. Reference : MM-1-11-87

M.caj r? about furneral.

| Details of the funeral arrangement. Bathing a dead body before putting it in a coffin; preparing food for the spirit; and the burial place. | Punch card

1133. Reference : MM-1-11-88

Circulation of information and knowledge of outside world.

| Villager opinions: illness, working with a foreign boss, international flight, transportation. | Punch card

1134. Reference : MM-1-11-89

Mass media.

| A truck came to the village selling sewing machines and filming. | Punch card

1135. Reference : MM-1-11-90


| Traveling to other places like Payao, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan etc. Men usually go to see a movie or for the purpose of courting. They travel by foot, ox cart, or car. | Punch card

1136. Reference : MM-1-11-91

Sicaj policeman son visits Mne.

| Srijai's son visited Moerman to ask about American traditions and Moerman's interest in Thailand.  | Punch card

1137. Reference : MM-1-11-92

| The reason that people from Sipsongpanna don't want to return their original home. | Punch card

1138. Reference : MM-1-11-93

Trade & travel.

| Kham, an opium seller, was evacuated from Sipsongpanna due to the war. The definition of Meung (city). Tax. | Punch card

1139. Reference : MM-1-11-94

| Villager's knowledge related to the people in the rest of the world. | Punch card

1140. Reference : MM-1-11-95

knowledge of tribal people.

| Social organization of the Yao people. Miscellaneous information about each group of hill tribe people. | Punch card