Personal Collection

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1051. Reference : MM-1-14-32

Harvesting implements

| Harvesting implements, their quality and function. | Punch card

1052. Reference : MM-1-14-33

Rice harvesting (dry rice)Oct 14 th sopwe:n village

| Rice harvesting in Ban Sop Wen. The process of reaping and threshing. Farmers remain in their fields overnight to prevent the rice from being stolen | Punch card

1053. Reference : MM-1-14-34


| There are two types of Lue funeral: burial and cremation. Observation of funerals by Moerman; participants and seating | Punch card

1054. Reference : MM-1-14-35

Technology Housebuilding

| 13 October 1959 – Dates on which to commence building, how to set house posts. Vocabulary concerning rice farming. | Punch card

1055. Reference : MM-1-14-36

Village Government Prachum

| Village meeting concerning demonstrations of traditional Lue songs for Moerman, bridge construction, and cheating by the butcher in the market. | Punch card

1056. Reference : MM-1-14-37

| Map of the region around Kham river. A sketch map of the region and the size of the district during the Japanese occupation of Thailand,1942-45. | Punch card

1057. Reference : MM-1-14-38

ja: pa:ma: Shan medicine making

| The process of making medicine. | Punch card

1058. Reference : MM-1-14-39

Tems of address : informants : Pawn and tutong

| Terms of address for women, men, priests and novices. | Punch card

1059. Reference : MM-1-14-40


| Christians believe God is everywhere. Buddhists and Christians living together. Comparison of religions and principles. | Punch card

1060. Reference : MM-1-14-41

| Charun's husband’s funeral 3 November 1959 – Charun used photos of her husband’s funeral to relate stories about her husband and his funeral | Punch card