Fire Rocket Ceremony (bun bông fai) at which rockets are set off to inform the gods it is time to send the rains, 4 photos. Note the transvestite dress of the men. This is a ritual in which sexual symbolism is blatant.The festsival is of Khmer origin and is Hinduistic, rather than Buddhistic. Maha Sarakham town, Changwat Maha Sarakham, 1963 or 1964

Reference : 63MK/F-1,63MK/F-2,63MK/F-3,63MK/F-4

Name of creator(s) : Keyes, Charles F.

Scope and content : Maha Sarakham Municipality, Changwat Maha Sarakham, Thailand,east=103.3116; north=16.118824

Extent and medium : Slide ดูเอกสารต้นฉบับ