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Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

The officiant wears the costume in red with high-head dressing for conducting ritual. He plays the lute during the ritual.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

Tho woman in everyday life clothes is walking to rice field. The Viet people classify Tho people in Tay group [spelling according to Vietnamese classification] which is different from Black Tai and Red Tai. The latter is classified in the group of Thai.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

The officiant and his wife are in front of the room for ancestor worship.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

A Tho man and his bicycle. The villagers normally use bicycles.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

A married couple of Tho in front of a house.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

The Tho officiant’s utensil for practicing ritual.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

A Tho young boy uses bicycle for commuting places in the village.

Bat Xat , Lao Cai Province

A Tho woman is shouldering firewood back to home.