Letter from Cornelius Osgood to Moerman

May 1, 1961. Letter from Cornelius Osgood to Michael Moerman confirming receipt of the research that Moerman sent him and informing him of how he proposes to manage these documents, while also informing him of his visit to Hong Kong.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 67, 6, 80, 79, 175, 83, 150, 197, 165, 73, 167, 76, 100, 145, 77, 61, 198, 88, 158, 84, 86, 82, 174, 75, 10, 134, 110, 177, 32, 169, 12, 172, 74 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 215 202 196 23 155 181 51 27 52 212 25 26 28 161 207 204 108 39 160 31 210 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 62 176 199 64 99 56 90 53 50 147 49 54 192 55 66 65 57 153 182 96 69 112 92 98 114 93 106 218 173 186 187 60 59 179 104 190 171 21 94 113 121 58 210 206 168 38 183 116 101 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 7 5 8 4/1 19 159 3 122 170 2 4 4/2 1 164 111 148 85 163 87 63 213 162 115 146 219 217 97 89 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 72 71 70 30 33 201 151 185 37 41 45 189 47 46 9 13 203 180 81 191 16 43/1 178 18 15 20 200 42 208 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members.

Name of villager

Names of residents in house numbers 11 68 29 34 194 36 22 78 109 193 109/1 43 and Sri Bun Rueng Temple, including a list of their land and property (bicycles, motorcycles, other vehicles, buffaloes, oxen, sewing machines, mills) and occupations of family members