Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Data on folktales, like animal tales as well as songs for courtship, planting, lullaby. They were recorded on May 22-25, 1988 in … district.

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

List of tales, classified into four groups: first, myth, second, fairy tales, third, jests, fouth, explanatory tales.

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Explanatory tales give explaination of creatures, i.e. existance, appearance of humans, animals, plants. Seventeen tales, such as ‘Why are cockscombe red?’, Buffalo and Cat-fish, Cats and Tigers, Wasp and Ladybug.

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Data on legendary tales, jest and stories on antiques relating to Chinese history.

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Eight titles of tale, for example Black-face Beauty, Twelve siblings of Old Cave Village. There are also

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Eleven titles of tales, for instance Red Valley tale, fairy tale (two versions).

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Typewrtiting document on legendary tales, such as freak at shrine, poorman village.

Typewriting documents (Post-fieldwork)

Fourteen titles of tales, such as frog festival, creation myth. They are related to mythical heroes, creators.

Lan Xang Heritage, Vol. 1, No. 1

- He Zheng-Ting, "The National War led by Nong Zhi-Gao" - Kampaeng Tipmuntali, "Ancient records of Black Tai" (Tales, traditions, and beliefs) [in Lao] -Boontaeng Supasawad, "Folk music" (Folk music studies and musical instrument) [in Lao]