A short Visit to the Yao Communities in Gunagxi [in Thai]

The copy is the third book in a series of research repots on the language and culture of the Yao living in Thialand and China. The contents are the record of a six-week field trip, during Octiber and Novenmer 1989 by Thai research team in Guangxi provine,

Thailand Yao-Guangxi Yao Costumes and Ornaments [in Thai]

The book is the second in a series of research reports on the language and culture of the Yao Living in Thailand and China. It tells Yao costumes and ornaments and comparison between two sets of tradition.

Colour Terms in Yao (Mien) [in Thai]

The book is the fourth in a series of research reports on the language and culture of the Yao Living in Thailand and China. The study is based on field research in six villages in Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan and Lampang provinces in order to understand basic

[Tyescript] Creation myth of Yao people [in Thai]

The typescript "Creation myth of Yao peple, later published in the textbook, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, entitled "Folklore of Thai-Tai people: collection of papers on folklores in social context". This creation myth of Yao people depicts w

Guo Shan Bang: Passport for travelling in the hills

Research report is about ancient scripts of Yao people, named "Guo Shan Bang" or passport for travelling in the hills. There are two sections; firstly, it reports on the contextual study of the scripts, and secondly, photography presented texts of the scr

Fieldwork (Yao) in Guangxi

October 4, 1989 at Archeological site museum, Guangzhou