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Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

 Performance of the Bu Nong young girls in Guangnan, Yunnan province. It is similar to Chinese dance.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

Bu Nong youngsters wear up-to-date dress.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

  View of Bu Nong village in Guangnan, the Southwest of Yunnan province.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

 Bu Nong boys in Guangnan wear up-to-date dress that is similar to general Chinese.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

 Bu Nong women wear a turban that resemble to checked cloth; they leave two tips of the cloth upside, it is like buffalo horns. They wear pleated skirt and silverware around neck. In winter they generally wear white pants.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

The old style of Bu Nong houses. They are built in wood that is similar to Dai people houses. They are called “Ganlan house.”

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

 The Bu Nong Wooden houses are built on high poles, they are called “Ganlan house.” The pattern of building is similar to Dai people houses. Probably this style of houses is suitable for rainy, flooded area.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

Bu Nong youngsters wear up-to-date dress.

Febuary 1997, Guangnan, Yunnan

Bu Nong girls dress more and more similarly to Chinese because they frequent the Chinese more.