Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage Traditional music is played to accompany the ancestor spirit dancing. This type of music, with an aggressive beat, is known as phleng fon pee.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage The descendant asks the ancestor spirit for holy water in order to heal illness and remove bad luck.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of Phrae Royal lineage An ancestral spirit medium emerging from the ancestor house.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage Ancestral spirit mediums dressed in the style of an ethnic Burmese or Mon.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage The medium alternates between communicating with the spirits in the ancestor spirit house and dancing in the pavilion. While in a trance the medium enters into various poses, including this battle dance

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage The atmosphere in the ritual pavilion. A traditional music group sits in the east of pavilion, while the medium sits in the north.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral Ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage In the morning before breakfast, men construct ancestor spirit houses around the ritual pavilion. These spirit houses are demolished immediately the ritual is over. In the past the pavilion was roofed with cogon grass, although nowadays canvas is used instead. Note that the pavilion does not have walls. In the center of the pavilion is a tamarind tree decorated with animal images to represent the forest, under which are hunting weapons. A traditional music group performs in the east of the pavilion, while the medium sits in the north.

Ancestral Ritual, Prae Province

12-15 March 1986 - Ancestral ritual of the Phrae Royal lineage Mediums take a break.