641. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-641

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu girl collecting vegetables | Slide

642. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-642

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Lisu rice planting | Slide

643. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-643

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Lisu women making rice cake during the Lisu New Year celebration | Slide

644. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-644

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu man looking at a falling tree | Slide

645. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-645

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Weed cutting to prepare a field for farming | Slide

646. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-646

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu man conducts a ceremony called 'Idama Lua' | Slide

647. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-647

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu girl carries a doll made of blanket | Slide

648. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-648

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Chicken bones reading | Slide

649. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-649

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu man making a bamboo ring | Slide

650. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-650

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu mother and her son in a rice field | Slide