601. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-601

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Otome Klein dancing with villagers to celebrate the Lisu New Year | Slide

602. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-602

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Otome Klein dancing with villagers to celebrate the Lisu New Year | Slide

603. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-603

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu man helping his friend to arrange the turban right. This turban is for a man to use during the Lisu New Year celebration and during the wedding ceremony | Slide

604. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-604

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu brother performs a Lisu music instrument called 'Chue Bue' to his sister | Slide

605. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-605

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu man ties a ceremonial thread on his daugther's hat during the 'Name Giving' ceremony | Slide

606. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-606

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A steam for a woman after given birth | Slide

607. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-607

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | An old Lisu woman collecting firewood | Slide

608. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-608

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Two Lisu girls using a kind of leave to protect themselves getting wet from the rain | Slide

609. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-609

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Two Lisu girls hold a doll made of a blanket | Slide

610. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-610

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A village silversmith and his family | Slide