241. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-241

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

242. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-242

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

243. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-243

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

244. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-244

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

245. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-245

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

246. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-246

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | The fire and its smoke during the burning season | Slide

247. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-247

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Doi Laan villagers dig a pond together | Slide

248. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-248

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Otome Klein and Michael Vickery inspect the Lisu New Year tree | Slide

249. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-249

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | A Lisu shaman ties a white ceremonial thread to a man who attends the 'Building a hut' ceremony or 'Sala Sha' in Lisu language | Slide

250. Reference : OKH-1-1-1-250

Doi Laan Village, Chiang Rai province

| 1982 | Villagers construct the shrine for the 'Mountain spirit'. 'Idama or Idamo' in Lisu language | Slide