Professor SriSakara Vallibhotama was born on June 2nd, 1938. He graduated secondary school from St. Gabriel's College and Assumption College and continue higher education at faculty of arts, Chulalongkorn University. After graduated, he became lecturer of Faculty of Archaeology at Silpakorn University and later got Colombo Scholarship to study master’s degree in anthropology at Western Australia University.
1971 Teach Anthropology at Faculty of Social Science, Chiang Mai University for 2 years and return to Silpakorn University as a lecturer in Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Archaeology
1980 was invited to teach Thai Archaeology at Cornell University
1986 was invited to join the research of ancient community in Thailand and Japan with Japanese scholar at the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University and join the conference and academic presentation in international conference in America, Australia, Japan, UK, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka etc.
2005 Joined the National Reconciliation Commission
2007 Received prize from the 18th Fukuoka Asian Culture Prizes 2007, Academic Prize, as person who have academic research in history of archaeology and anthropology.
Academic Works
Most of SriSakara’s works in TRF Research Team Promotion Grant, RTA of The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) and research on local history are published in Muangboran Journal, Silapawattanatham Journal and other magazines in articles, for example, ‘Pla Daek Culture’ (วัฒนธรรมปลาแดก), ‘Chansen: The First Local Museum in Lopburi-Pasak Basin’ (จันเสน: พิพิธภัณฑ์ท้องถิ่นแห่งแรกในลุ่มลพบุรี-ป่าสัก), Metal Revolution 2,500 years ago: Iron Age in Thailand, Technology and Social Development’ (เหล็กโลหะปฏิวัติเมื่อ ๒,๕๐๐ ปีมาแล้ว: ยุคเหล็กในประเทศไทยพัฒนาการทางเทคโนโลยีและสังคม), ‘History - Archaeology of Mueang U-Thong’ (ประวัติศาสตร์โบราณคดีเมืองอู่ทอง), ‘Thinking Manual: The Meaning of Cultural Landscape, Internal Study and Local Awareness’ (คู่มือฉุกคิด: ความหมายของภูมิวัฒนธรรม การศึกษาจากภายในและสำนึกในท้องถิ่น) and ‘A Northeastern Site of Civilization’ (แอ่งอารยธรรมอีสาน).
Professor SriSakara interest in studying archaeological sites in various region of Thailand and explore them by himself since he started working at Faculty of Archaeology until now. He has special interest in Northeastern region and writes articles describes the origin of this civilized sites in details separating the region by geography related to cultural characteristic. He also has many published works about history, archaeology and anthropology.
Expert/Interest Study Issue
Archaeology, Local History
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